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US Supreme Court halts Biden’s power to environmental agency

US Supreme Court halts Biden's power to environmental agency

WASHINGTON– The United States Supreme Court on Thursday blocked the implementation of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) measure intended to supposedly curb air pollution, but which in reality sought to impose unconstitutional regulations on private companies and facilities.

The EPA’s plan would not have taken effect until 2026, but hundreds of companies and states asked that it be blocked while litigation against it plays out in a lower court, a request that the Supreme Court granted in a 5-vote decision. against 4.

“Enforcement of the EPA rule against the applicants will be stayed pending resolution of the applicants’ petitions for review in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit,” the Supreme Court ordered.

The EPA says its plan would reduce about 70,000 tons of nitrogen oxide pollution in 2026, prevent about 1,300 premature deaths, prevent more than 2,300 hospital visits, and curb tens of thousands of missed school days and missed work days.

“Reducing smog also has economic benefits. The estimated annual net gains, after accounting for costs, would be $13 billion each year over the period 2023 to 2042,” the EPA notes.

But behind all those apparent benefitsthe EPA-aligned far-left agenda in the US– What it seeks is to have the power to limit the production of private companies in the hope that the US increases imports and annihilates its production to make it even more dependent on China and other nations as part of Biden’s globalist agenda.

Those who oppose the measure argue that it is illegal and say that Its implementation would cost billions of dollars, while the litigation against the plan is developing, and they asked the Supreme Court to block it.

This is The third time In recent years, the Supreme Court has halted the epa powersafter it dealt a blow to the agency’s authority to regulate wetlands in 2023 and greenhouse gases in 2022.

Source: With information from AFP.

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