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USA: the weather forecast for Houston this April 23

Temperature, probability of rain, cloudiness and ultraviolet rays are some of the data that you should know before leaving home. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

Maximum and minimum temperature, as well as chances of rain, This is the weather forecast for the next hours of this Sunday in Houston, USA.

The weather for this Sunday in Houston will reach 22 degrees, while the minimum temperature it will be 13 degrees. The UV index forecast is 3.

As for the rain rainfall forecast for said city it will be 40%, with a cloudiness of 100%, during the day; and 17%, with a cloudiness of 70%, throughout the night.

Meanwhile, the gusts of wind will reach 42 kilometers per hour during the day and 39 kilometers per hour at night.

Houston is one of the most populous cities in the United States, located in southern Texas near the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

The climate in this American city is mainly tropical, with the monsoonal subtypewhich means that it is warm all year round, with a small dry season and a predominantly rainy season.

The warmest temperatures They are present between August and September, where it is around 40 degrees; in contrast it is in January and December when freezing weather prevails.

Meanwhile, the month with more rains It is usually in June or October.

(Photo: File)

By occupying a large area of ​​territory, the United States has an enormous variety of climates, almost all of them.

On the eastern side of the United States Two major climates predominate: the humid subtropical and the humid continental.

In the American Northeast the most important weather is humid continental which is characterized by constant rains throughout the year that become storms during the summer and snowfalls throughout the winter.

In the southeastern United States the prevailing weather condition is humid subtropical it has warm summers, cool winters and abundant rainfall.

American west sidethere are at least three major predominant climates: semi-arid, arid and Mediterranean.

The semi-arid climate, in its cold subtypeencompasses the most central western and north–south part of the United Statesis characterized by low rainfall and low temperatures.

In the southwestern United States is where it is present arid climate, both in its cold and warm subtypes. In the cold arid, the winters are icy and the summers are mild, while in the hot arid the summer registers extremely high temperatures and in the winter the weather is mild. In both cases rainfall is scarce.

Mediterranean climate registers in the most coastal area of ​​the American West, from north to south and is characterized by its mild and rainy winters, plus its dry and hot summers.

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