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Use your dryer, dishwasher and oven like this: you save around €142 in bills a year

Use the dryer, dishwasher and oven in this way and save on the bill

With the increase in the cost of the bill you are probably trying to save as much as possible. The first step you can take to deal with it is to change some habits regarding the use of some household appliances. Among these are the dryer, the dishwasher and the oven. Find out how!

Impossible to give up an appliance like the oven. And a dishwasher and dryer, while not a must, are a real convenience that you want to keep using.

With a few simple tricks you can do it without their use impacting too much on your bill. So use the dryer, dishwasher and oven and save money a considerable sum.

The dryer

Let’s start with this appliance that more and more Italians install in their homes. By following the advice that we will tell you about it, you can save money 29 to 31 € the year with 3 weekly uses (Other consumption). First of all, spin the clothes at at least 1000 rpm before putting them in the dryer.

Put the laundry in the centrifuge and only then in the dryer

Also, always make sure you fill the drum as full as possible before starting a drying cycle. Use the anti-crease function as little as possible, which causes a greater expenditure of energy. Last but not least, remember to clean the filter approximately every 10 washes and to empty the condensed water tray.

Also, don’t throw it away once you remove it from the dryer. You can reuse it in so many really useful ways, including washing the floors and windows in your home.

The dishwasher

This appliance is also very useful and present in Italian homes. With a few small precautions you can save money up to €26 a year using it 4 times a week (Other consumption). As well as for the dryer, you should only do a wash once the load is filled. Avoid using the dishwasher for a few dishes or glasses.

Dishwasher, save 26 euros a year –

Deactivate the option that also allows you to dry the dishes and not use pre-rinse. Also in this case it is very important to pay due maintenance to the appliance. If you want to save another 26 € the year (Other consumption), activate the ECO program if your dishwasher has it.

Use your dryer, dishwasher and oven like this: you save a lot!

So, let’s see how to save around €85 a year (Other consumption) using the oven. First of all, know that the gas one consumes a little less. Therefore, if you care about saving, you should equip yourself with a similar model.

Also, avoid overly chunky models. The 90cm one in fact, it consumes 150% more energy of the 60 cm oven. Do not place it next to the refrigerator and, even in this case, remember to give it periodic maintenance.

Avoid preheating it for too long when you need to use it and above all don’t open the door while a dish is cooking. Finally, cook food in glass or ceramic dishes and not in metal and, above all, do not use aluminum foil. The latter decrease the efficiency of your oven, with consequent further expenditure of energy.

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