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Used syringes, blood and alarm: serious complaint for the disposal of pathogenic waste

After several complaints made by ESUR, the company in charge of the garbage collection service in La Plata, the Municipality made the decision to intervene in the midst of a reality that generates concern among collectors and that is that more and more often they come across pathogenic waste discarded among the daily. The operators even recorded the status of the bags they come across and set off all the alarms.

Community spokespersons confirmed to that the Municipality contacted the authorities of the “Sor María Ludovica” Children’s Hospital and the Gutiérrez Hospital to “discourage this type of practice” which constitutes “a very serious health risk for citizens” and “puts the health of workers at risk of the collection”.

After the finding, the Commune notified the authorities of the health centers located at 14 between 65 and 66 and diagonal 114 between 39 and 40. “In the complaints (of ESUR) documents and photographic material of the pathogenic remains that were thrown onto the public road were found, which were intermingled with the black bag. Among the discards, elements with traces of blood were recorded”detailed local authorities.

“We have taken intervention and notified the authorities of the Hospitals to try to resolve this conflict urgently, understanding that the situation presents a very serious health risk and puts the health of the public in general and the collection workers at risk. , since among the discards material with blood has been found”they explained. Within this framework, environmental agents drew up verification records in both places and warned their authorities that “the reiteration of these practices will be subject to sanctions.”

In the Municipality they also indicated that “in the event that the hospitals encounter difficulties regarding the pathogenic waste collection service,” the mayor Julio Garro is willing to “make the necessary arrangements with the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health and the Governor, in order to regularize the situation, since the proper functioning of hospitals is key for the city.”

It is worth noting that the collection procedure is regulated under Law 11,347 on Pathogenic Residues, which makes it mandatory to hire a specific transport and treatment service for them and expressly prohibits their use as sanitary landfills. “In accordance with current regulations, all infectious waste and pathological remains must be stored directly in labeled red bags, waterproof and resistant to weight,” they indicated in the La Plata Commune.

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