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Users of the Chinese version of TikTok will have to mark AI-generated content as such

Beijing, May 9 The Chinese version of the TikTok video app, Douyin, today released a set of guidelines regarding AI-generated content that includes a requirement to mark AI-generated material as such.

Thus, users will be able to “distinguish between what is virtual and what is real,” the company said today in a statement published in one of its official accounts in Douyin itself, adding that “publishers are responsible for the consequences of content generated by intelligence artificial”.

Likewise, the video platform recalled that “it is prohibited to use artificial intelligence to create and publish content that infringes, among others, image and intellectual property rights” and that “the creation and publication of material that misinforms or spread hoaxes”.

Chinese police recently launched an investigation into a news portal that used popular artificial intelligence software ChatGPT to generate and spread fake articles with the aim of gaining large amounts of traffic and profit.

Last April, the Chinese Internet regulator published a draft of a regulation that will regulate the artificial intelligence sector, which will require that the content created by ‘chatbots’ and other generative models “reflect fundamental socialist values” and not ” undermine national unity”, “subvert state power” or “incite to divide the country”.

The commotion around services similar to ChatGPT in China has also given rise to questions about the application of this type of technology in the Asian country due to the strong censorship imposed by the authorities. EFE


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