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Users say they lose hair using Ozempic | metropolises

The use of the drug Ozempic has become popular in recent months due to its rapid weight loss results, however, the off-label use of the drug for diabetes has generated complications for some users. In addition to the rebound effect on the scale and the so-called Ozempic face, caused by the loss of fat on the face, reports on social networks suggest intense hair loss caused by the use of the medication.

TikTok users have been posting videos showing intense hair loss after injections. There are images of women who get to take clumps of their own hair after taking a shower and others who need to take medicine to stop hair loss.

Although hair loss is not listed in the Ozempic package insert as one of the side effects of using the medicine, scientific studies have already shown that the injectable use of semaglutide, the drug’s active ingredient, can cause the problem in rare situations. One of these surveys was carried out by the University of Pennsylvania, in the United States, and published in JAMA magazine in 2021.

However, it is not possible to determine whether influencers’ hair loss is a direct consequence of using the medication, or an adverse effect of weight loss itself. Conditions similar to those reported are common in people who have undergone bariatric surgery or who use other rapid weight loss methods that cause a loss of more than 10% of body weight.

“Any weight loss, whether through diet, medication, exercise or surgery, can lead to hair loss. This occurs during the period when the body is readjusting energy expenditure and is a physiological adaptation to weight loss”, says the Brazilian Society of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (SBCBM) in a post on social networks.

According to SBCBM, the important thing is to observe whether the condition is temporary: it should normalize when the body gets used to the new nutritional rhythm. If the hair loss persists for long periods, you need to see a dermatologist.

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