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“Usually, it’s the cuckolds, there, we have two acorns”: Roselyne Bachelot curries the coronation ceremony of Charles III

The coronation of Charles III did not dazzle everyone. And especially not Roselyne Bachelot. On Saturday May 6, the son of Elizabeth II acceded to the throne seventy years after her in a solemn event that has entered the history of Great Britain. Because the coronation of a new sovereign is always particularly symbolic, many guests were present in Westminster Abbey. Among them, the royal family, former and current heads of state, crowned heads from all over the world, but also artists. And if some paid particular attention to Prince Harry, on bad terms with his brother William, others reveled in the outfits of those present, such as Roselyne Bachelot. Who was not, however, tender in his judgmentespecially towards the king and queen.

“Usually it’s the cuckolds who are on the balcony…”

Particularly inspired, the former minister returned to the set of BFM TV ses “Windsor du ridicule”, like what she thought of this coronation. And her first prize, Roselyne Bachelot gave it to King Charles III, for “his dismayed look, his carnival clothes, and, fortunately, his ears which allowed the crown to fit more or less correctly”. “Admit it all the same that it looks impossible”, she launched on the set when the journalist in front of her asked her not to attack the physique of the sovereign, who had precisely had “pain” because of his crown. Determined to crush Charles III and Camilla, she gave them a second “Windsor du ridicule”for their clothing and accessories during their appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Look, it’s usually the cuckolds who are on the balcony, there we have two acorns… she launched bluntly, referring to their crowns.

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Roselyne Bachelot crushed in return on Twitter

If she tempered her remark by specifying that, in the case of Charles III and Camilla, “we can’t say the cuckolds since they are the ones who cuckolded their spouses”Roselyne Bachelot continued her prize list by judging the outfit of Letizia of Spain which, according to her, had “took down the lampshade in his living room to do his hair”or that of Princess Anne and her “feather on the cocked hat, very cleverly put so that we do not see prince Harry who was right behind her”. The Windsor of ridicule is therefore an eminently collective Windsorshe finally concluded, without however convincing Twitter users. “In terms of looks, she is in no position to give lessons. It’s mean, useless and talentless as a chronicleprotested one of them, while another reacted philosophically: When you have nothing intelligent to say, keeping silent is an honorable alternative..”

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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