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Uxue Barkos (Geroa Bai) will be the autonomous senator for Navarra this legislature

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Pamplona, ​​Aug 13 (EFE).- The head of the Geroa Bai list in the last regional elections and former president of Navarra, Uxue Barkos, will be proposed by her formation to occupy the position of regional senator, a position that she will probably obtain thanks to the Government pact achieved with PSN and Contigo Zurekin and that will mean her dismissal as a regional parliamentarian.

The appointment, confirmed to EFE by sources from Geroa Bai, comes within the framework of the agreements between PSN, Geroa Bai and Contigo Zurekin by which the different positions in the future Government and others derived from it, such as the presidency of Parliament, are distributed. foral or the regional senator, in both cases for Geroa.

The formation, made up of the PNV and Socialverdes, has decided to propose Barkos to the Senate, who will replace his colleague Koldo Martínez in the autumn, and which will entail his dismissal as a member of the Provincial Parliament, in which he had won a seat in May for the third legislature consecutive and where everything indicated that he would continue as spokesman for his training.

The former president of the Government of Navarra (2015-19) was already a deputy in Congress from 2004 to 2015 and also a spokesperson for Nafarroa Bai in the Pamplona City Council from 2007 to 2015. EFE


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