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Valentina Trespalacios: the last video of the DJ accompanied by her boyfriend was released

The video of the last minutes of Valentina Trespalacios’ life with her fiancé was released. #valentinatrespalacios/Instagram

The country woke up shocked by the feminicide of Valentina Trespalacios, the DJ who was found lifeless, inside a suitcase in a garbage container, by a recycler in the Fontibón area, west of the country’s capital. According to the latest report from the authorities, the young woman died of suffocation, and her partner would have left the country hours later and deleted all content from her social networks.

In the first investigations, the recycler told the authorities: “I’ll go through here. I felt very nervous. I was like a jelly”.

In the midst of the investigations that are being carried out to find the culprit of the murder of threepalacesit was known that john poulos, 35 years old, sentimental partner of the DJ, was the last person to see her alive. In the stories that Valentina published on WhatsApp on Saturday night, she is seen in the company of her boyfriend, for which her relatives suspect him.

“CHe shared WhatsApp messages while at the disco. There is no doubt that they were sharing, so we want him to appear, to show his face, to give us his version, to tell us where he left her, what happened to her?”.

However, with the passing of the hours, new details of the lurid murder are known, in which, apparently, the fiancé of the artist, a foreign national, is involved. The most recent, a video in which the well-known DJ is seen inside the vehicle in which they were moving and conversing with her boyfriend, who, according to her family, would also be the cause of the death of Threepalaces.

The body of the 23-year-old girl was found inside a suitcase in the Fontibón neighborhood in Bogotá. Credit: @jhoanacadenadj / Instagram

In the images, the young woman is seen asking her partner to look at the camera and greet her mother: “Say hi, mom.” While this is happening, the woman also points out that they are heading towards her house and in the back there are some black bags and a bear. However, the boyfriend Valentina Trespalacios he simply raises his hand and very softly says a “Hello”.

The DJ shared the images with her fiancé

Friends close to Valentina also made public that the American closed his social media accounts, so his whereabouts are unknown or what happened between Saturday night and Sunday afternoon, at which time the body of Trespalacios was found.

Brigadier General Carlos Fernando Triana, affirmed that the Bogotá Police and the Attorney General’s Office are working together to investigate the case

Recently, Brigadier General (BG) Carlos Fernando Triana Beltran, Commander of the Bogotá Metropolitan Police affirmed his commitment to find the whereabouts of the murderer.

“…Criminal investigators will be in charge of looking for the material evidence, looking for information to clarify the person or persons responsible for the death of this young woman…”, indicated the commander of the Bogotá Metropolitana.

He also noted that it offers a reward of up to 20 million pesos to the person who provides information that allows the capture and clarification of the case, which is already advancing in its investigation at the hands of the competent authorities.

“… We are going with all the institutional capacity to locate, individualize and capture that person or those people who committed this criminal act,” concluded the message from Brigadier General Carlos Fernando Triana.

Keep reading:

New corpse is found in Bogotá in less than 24 hours
DJ’s boyfriend found dead in Fontibón left the country and deleted his social networks
Renowned DJ was found lifeless in a suitcase in Fontibón
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