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Valentine’s Day: the best gifts to surprise your partner

Saturday, February 11, 2023 | 4:30 p.m.

Every February 14, Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world, a special date to disconnect and enjoy experiences as a couple, and thus celebrate love.

Each couple celebrates this day in a different way: some have their own traditions while others choose to do new activities. But one of the premises that they all share is to surprise your better half with gifts. We present you with different gift options if you don’t know what to give.

flowers and chocolates
This classic combination of flowers and chocolates never fails, it will make anyone smile. The union of these two elements is the most chosen to convey feelings in the most expressive way on this occasion.

The fusion of flavors and scents through exotic chocolates and highly aromatic flowers will make this composition a journey through the five senses.

Roses are one of the oldest symbols of love and passion, in history they were associated with the goddess Venus and also with confidentiality, with what is said in secret. In ancient Rome, wild roses were placed outside doors where matters requiring discretion were discussed.

To vary the classic red rose, a symbol of passionate love, there are orange ones. Traditionally they are used to express an intense desire and fascination for the other.

A romantic dinner
This option is ideal for going to a restaurant that has special options for this day, or preparing a romantic evening at home. To surprise your partner at home, the ideal is to develop a plan that covers everything about the event, from the menu, flowers, music, wine glasses, tablecloths and even decoration.

A romantic weekend in a hotel or spa
This date is ideal to surprise someone with a romantic getaway so that both of you can enjoy a few days off.

gift jewelry
Giving a ring is not the same as giving a necklace or earrings. While they all fall into the jewelry group, each has a unique message. The jewels have exclusive designs and quality materials such as precious metal baths, crystals, pearls, among others, ideal for giving away on this special date. In addition, they are a lasting gift that represents friendship, gratitude, love or commitment and, in the case of rings, the circle symbolizes the infinite because it has no beginning or end.

Necklace or pendant: It is a symbol of infinite intimacy without being a couple and it can be given to your best friend because it shows the total knowledge of the other person.
Bracelets: They are more common to deliver between mothers and daughters, sisters or relatives on a special occasion and the meaning is marked by the stones or beads that the piece carries.
Pearls: show affection, loyalty, sincerity or motherly love; rubies are passion; emeralds mean sincere love or happiness and are loaded with positivity.

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