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Value communication and transparency

dr Josef Weidenholzer was a guest on “Vorarlberg LIVE” on Thursday evening.

Former EU parliamentarian Josef “Joe” Weidenholzer also knows that there is a lot of room for maneuver for the future of Europe.

“If you think about the current situation, where not far from us there is a war in Ukraine and an era of instability that will haunt us in the years to come, especially when we think about climate protection, you realize that it there are many things to do. You can only do that together,” explained Weidenholer in the first issue of “Mitten in Europa” on Vorarlberg LIVE.

In order to be able to master this together, a certain amount of trust is required, especially since EU bashing – public criticism ranging from severe to disparaging – is widespread. “It’s easy to blame someone else and Brussels is far away, which makes it easy, you don’t understand it and it’s also a different language,” says the long-time MEP. I believe that Vorarlberg is making a positive exception here.” Because Great Britain started with half-truths towards Brussels and that’s how Brexit came about. “Probably that’s 20 lost years for Britain.”

The whole show

The most important thing is the communication, which has to be right. “I was always horrified when we initially had a conversation with the journalists in Strasbourg, who were not interested in what we decided but what we say about what the Federal Chancellor did,” explains Weidenholzer. This is how you would bring Austrian politics into parliament. “It’s going to be difficult to explain. Contact is important. You have to think about something.” You also have to place just as much value on transparency. It would exist in the EU anyway: “Otherwise you wouldn’t have noticed the cruel things – the corruption in connection with Qatar.”

The broadcast “Vorarlberg LIVE” is a cooperation between VOL.AT,, Ländle TV and VOL.AT TV and is broadcast from Monday to Friday from 5 p.m. There’s more here.

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