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Various representatives of Together for Change celebrated the recapture of Jones Huala

The leader of the Mapuche Ancestral Resistance (RAM), Facundo Jones Huala, was recaptured this Monday morning after an operation in El Bolsón, Río Negro and the opposition leaders celebrated it. The RAM representative had been on the run since February 11, 2022.

“An important step! I congratulate Governor Arabela Carreras and the Río Negro Police for the arrest of huala jones”, The president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich, indicated about the Mapuche leader and added that it is necessary for Argentina to govern the law so that “fugitives do not walk like any other citizen.”

Facundo Jones Huala. Source (Río Negro Police).

The operation to arrest the leader of the RAM was commanded by agents of the provincial police, after a neighbor reported the presence of Jones Huala in a local house.

The governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales, pointed out that the arrest of the maximum referent of the RAM is good news since “groups endorsed by Kirchnerism still defend him.” “We must end the mafias and the violence in Patagonia and throughout the country”, added.

Arabela Carreras. Font (Letter P).

For his part, the president of the Bloc of National Deputies of the PRO, Cristian Ritondo, explained that a local neighbor found huala jones hidden and “drunk” in the barbecue area of ​​his house. “A Less Loose Offender” the official said.

The former Mendoza governor and now head of the Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) interblock in the Senate, Alfredo Cornejo, also gave his opinion on the arrest of the referent of the RAM and assured that the national government “turned a blind eye for almost three years” and indicated that there were ministers who resigned so as not to intervene.

Alfredo Cornejo with Patricia Bullrich. Source (El Cordillerano).

“The president even received the mother of Jones Huala, a very dangerous logic”, Cornejo pointed out and affirmed that they do the same thing “to give land in Mendoza to Mapuches who are not Mapuches.”

Legal situation of Jones Huala

The RAM leader was captured in the La Esperanza neighborhood and was detained at Police Station No. 12. According to reports, Jones Huala was transferred to Bariloche and could be charged with various charges. Since February 11, he was a fugitive from the Chilean Justice.

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