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Vehicle crashes into US President’s motorcade in Delaware

Vehicle crashes into US President's motorcade in Delaware

In an incident that caused momentary tension in Wilmington, Delaware, the president of the United States, Joe Bidenand the first lady, Jill Bidenwere uninjured after a vehicle collided with an SUV in their security caravan.

The event occurred just after the Bidens left their campaign headquarters around eight at night, after a meeting with members of his re-election team held this Sunday in the middle of a stormy rainy night, according to Reuters.

The president and his wife were on their way to the presidential motorcade when a silver sedan, with Delaware plates, collided with the protective SUV at an intersection near the entrance to the campaign headquarters, moments after Biden answered a question of a journalist.

“Mr. president, Why are you trailing Trump in the polls?“A journalist shouted as Biden headed towards his vehicle. After thinking about it for a couple of seconds, the president answered: “Because those polls are wrong.”

Immediately afterwards the impact of the accident was heard. Television footage showed the Secret Service quickly escorting Biden to his car after the collision.

The silver vehicle, with damage to the bumper, was surrounded by security agents. They proceeded to corner the car and point guns at the driver, who, as a sign of surrender, raised his hands.

It is being investigated whether the crash was the result of an accident caused by rain, or whether it was intentional. Both President Biden and First Lady Jill returned to their Wilmington home without injuries following the incident.

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