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Venezuela DolarToday: Price of the dollar today and exchange rate today, Tuesday, May 2, 2023

This Tuesday, May 2, the dollar price American is quoted at 24.75030000 Venezuelan bolivarsHowever, in the parallel market it has a value of 25.63 bolivars according to the portal Dollar today.

He Central bank of Venezuela (BCV) is the main economic authority of the South American country and is the only one authorized to issue legal tender and control the exchange rate of the Venezuelan currency.

Know the price of the dollar for today, Tuesday, May 2.

However, the “DolarToday” corresponds to the average value of private operations in the city of Cáracas, Venezuela and so while the dollar is quoted at Bs 25.63 while the euro does so at 28.19 bolivars.

For its part, the dollar monitor portal establishes the average exchange rate for this Tuesday, May 2, at 25.56 bolivars.

Price of the dollar in Venezuela in real time

Inflation and devaluation in Venezuela

In 2018, the sovereign bolivar came to replace the strong bolivar, which meant a 96% devaluation of the official currency of Venezuela in relation to the dollar, as announced by the BCV at the time.

As we have mentioned in The Truth Newsthe deep economic crisis that the country is experiencing has led to unstoppable inflation that, according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), increased to 10,000,000% at the end of 2019.

For its part, the same Central Bank of Venezuela revealed in 2019 a contraction of the economy of 47.6% since 2013, and inflation of 130,060% at the end of 2018.

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