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Venezuela: who are the new heads of 31 Army Brigades and the second commanders of the Integral Defense Operational Zones

Venezuela: who are the new heads of 31 Army Brigades and the second commanders of the Integral Defense Operational Zones
The GJ Vladimir Padrino López subscribes the resolutions as military head
Appointments in the Army
In the 53rd Jungle Infantry Brigade, GB Juan Karlos Castellanos Varela was ratified
Major General (GD) Johnny Alberto Núñez Rincón at the head of the Sixth Army Corps of Engineers
GB José Ramón Figuera Valdez the Second Commander and Chief of Staff of the ZODI Capital.
Replacements in the Chiefs of Staff and Second Commanders in the Army
The Chavista Justice ordered the intervention of the Communist Party of Venezuela and appointed a new board of directors
The Nicolás Maduro regime hinted that the 2024 presidential elections could be brought forward this year
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