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Venezuelan airline Conviasa will connect Iran and Belarus with Havana


The Venezuelan state airline Conviasa will soon connect the destinations of Iran and Belarus with Havana.

The flight will originate in Tehran, will stop in Minsk, and will end in Havana, assured the director general of Minsk National Airport, Viacheslav Joroneko, to the official press of the Lukashenko regime.

“We are working on it. There is desire. I think that the potential for our tourists from the Republic of Belarus will be there. Russia is not far away either”, declared Khoroneko, who hopes to reach a definitive agreement with the Venezuelan airline soon so that the route between these three anti-democratic regimes becomes a reality.

The official did not specify the frequency or the possible start date of the flights.

At the end of last May, Conviasa announced flights for the route between Caracas and Moscow, with a stopover in Havana.

Since June 16, and with a frequency of one flight per week, the state company doubled its offer between the Venezuelan and Russian capitals, which until then had happened biweekly.

The flights between the three countries contemplate the Vnukovo airports in Moscow, the José Martí airport in Havana, and the Simón Bolívar airport in Caracas.

Single flights between Venezuela and Russia, with a stopover in the Cuban capital and on board an Airbus A340, cost more than $1,500, according to the airline’s website.

A one-way flight for June 23 costs $1,735 and a return flight scheduled for July costs $1,697.

The state Conviasa It has been frequently used by the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel and his entourage for long journeys.

It also offers regular flights for Cuban tourists traveling to Nicaragua, Venezuela or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

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