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Venezuelans abroad demand that the electoral registry be opened

Súmate asks the CNE to announce the presidential date and update the Electoral Registry

CARACAS.- Venezuelan citizens residing in Argentina and Uruguay protested this Monday in front of the country’s diplomatic headquarters to demand that registration in the Electoral Registry (RE) be opened in these cities.

With the slogan “We want to vote”, Venezuelans in Buenos Aires protested for the sixth consecutive day in front of the Venezuelan Embassy, ​​to demand that the process of registration and updating of data begin that will allow them to vote in the presidential elections scheduled for December 28. July in the Caribbean country.

Some 220,000 Venezuelans currently reside in Argentina, of which only 2,000 are registered to vote.

According to the schedule of the elections of the National Electoral Council (CNE), the registration and update period in the RE began on March 18 and will last until April 16. However, to date the process has not begun in Buenos Aires or Montevideo.

According to the information provided last week by the Venezuelan Embassy in Buenos Aires, they have not yet received the necessary equipment to carry out the registration, despite the fact that a week has already passed since the date that the CNE set the start of the electoral registration.

“They do not give us an answer or certain information about when we will be able to start this process,” denounced Adriana Flores, who is head of the campaign command of the opposition candidate María Corina Machado, in Argentina.

Similar delays have been reported from Spain, Chile, Ecuador and Colombia.

“They do not have more information, but simply the registration does not begin today because they have not received more information,” said Hamurabi Pérez Toro, a member of the Primero Justicia party, from the Canary Islands, reported VOA.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from Infobae / Cocuyo Effect

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