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Verbitsky attacked Tolosa Paz and Albertismo came out at the crossroads: “Sorete and machirulo”

In his usual note in Cohete a La Luna, journalist Horacio Verbitsky mocked Victoria Tolosa Paz and called her a “Plastic Girl” and “Madame Albistur.”

The journalist criticized it as a shot for raising Alberto Fernández, who is promoting his candidacy for governor of the Province. For ‘the Dog’, the Minister of Development has no chance of winning the internship against Axel Kicillof.

“The illusion that the accountant Tolosa can compete with the Buenos Aires governor Axel Kicillof is another measure of the loss with which the President spends his last months in government. Defeated by La Cámpora in La Plata, Madame Albistur thinks big. Too big,” Verbitsky wrote.

In another section, he mentions that Tolosa Paz is the “protected” of President Alberto Fernández and that he “summons Néstor Kirchner as a shield against his widow and son.” He also refers to the Minister of Social Development as the “plastic girl from La Plata.”

The reaction did not take long to arrive from the park of Enrique Albistur, who crossed it hard.

“It seems to me that it is the same old Verbitsky shit. That in this case it goes from machirulo. And I do not know why some sectors of Peronism and the militancy have respect for him, it will be because they do not know him, because he is a garbage person, ”Albistur replied in an act in La Plata when speaking with AM990.

“He is a minor character, we do not give room to the soretes,” he added.

Verbitsky replied that “insults are a poor instrument of political debate. It is practiced by the Milei, the Lanata, the Grabois, the Pergolini. Is not my style. Machirulo himself, who answers for his wife, as if she were handicapped.” In a dialogue with the newspaper Perfil, he added that the Peronist militancy “has respect for me for the same reason that they booed him and Victoria Tolosa when they arrived at the Teatro Argentino in La Plata. Supposing that the militancy ignores who is who is part of their unfounded complex of superiority”.

Government officials also came out at the journalist’s intersection.

Vilma Ibarra’s tweet

Vilma Ibarra said that: “I express my profound rejection of Verbitsky’s violent and macho expressions about Tolosa Paz. Referring to her as ‘Protected’, ‘Plastic Girl’ or ‘Madame Albistur’ is to seek to humiliate and denigrate to disqualify. Brutal violence.” .

The Mujeres Gobernando collective, made up of more than one hundred officials with high positions in the government, also repudiated the journalist’s expressions. “From Mujeres Gobernando we repudiate the disqualification and grievances of our partner from Verbitsky,” the group expressed on Twitter and added: “We will insist a thousand times: we will not allow sexist violence in any sphere, not even in public debate nor in politics.”

Tweet by Gabriela Cerruti

“The political violence against Tolosa Paz exercised by Verbitsky is the greatest expression of misogyny and machismo displayed by those who were once journalists and today brazenly fight to uphold the privileges of the patriarchal system that enthroned them,” Cerruti wrote on Twitter.

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