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Very high levels of pollen across the country through Thursday. What should we do? – ZAP News

Michael Wallace / Flickr

Outdoor activities, such as walks and sports, are not recommended.

The Portuguese Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SPAIC) predicts until Thursday concentrations very high of pollen in the atmosphere for all regions of the Continent, moderate levels for the Azores and low levels for Madeira.

According to the pollen bulletin prepared by SPAIC, the pollen present in the air comes essentially from trees oak trees, Pine It is plane tree and nettle and parietaria herbs.

Forecasts up to April 6th, in Lisbon (Lisbon and Setúbal region), indicate that pollens are at very high levels, with a predominance of pollens from holm oak, oak, sycamore and cypress trees and from nettle herbs It is parietal.

In the regions of interior of the country and in algarve begin to appear in the air and, gradually, to gain importance the pollens of grasses and plantain and, in the Norththe concentrations are pollen of birch.

According to SPAIC, you should avoid outdoor activities when pollen concentrations are high. “Walks in the garden, mowing the lawn, camping or playing sports in the street will increase exposure to pollens and the risk of allergies”, he adds.

It is also recommended to keep closed the windows car whenever traveling to reduce contact with pollen. Motorcyclists must wear a full face helmet. In Housethe society recommends keeping windows closed when pollen concentrations are high.

SPAIC also considers that the medication will be the most effective way to combat the symptoms of allergyadvises the consultation of an immunoallergology specialist doctor for the correct diagnosis and prescription of the most appropriate medication and warns that prevention “may involve carrying out vaccines antiallergic”.

Every week, the pollen bulletin publishes the levels of pollen in the atmosphere, collected by reading posts in various regions of the country.

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