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"very worried"China calls for "promote dialogue"one year after the start of the war in Ukraine

“We will continue to promote peace dialogue,” said the Chinese Foreign Minister on Tuesday, as the war in Ukraine will soon enter its second year.

China is “very worried” about the conflict in Ukraine, which is “escalating and even getting out of control”, calling for “promoting dialogue”, Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on Tuesday.

“We will continue to promote peace dialogue… and work with the international community to promote dialogue and consultation, address the concerns of all parties and seek common security,” he added during the meeting. a conference in Beijing.

These statements come after the Chinese government denied on Monday considering supplying arms to Russia to support its offensive in Ukraine, as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said.

“Stop throwing oil on the fire as soon as possible”

The head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell has estimated that a possible delivery of weapons by China to Russia would constitute a “red line” for the European Union.

“We call on the countries concerned to stop pouring oil on the fire as soon as possible, to stop blaming China and to stop making a fuss shouting ‘Today Ukraine, tomorrow Taiwan’ “, launched Tuesday the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs, in reference to the territory claimed by China.

A few days before February 24, a year after the start of the Russian invasion, Western pressure is mounting on China, which has never publicly supported or criticized the offensive, while repeatedly expressing its support for Moscow. in the face of Western sanctions.

On Saturday, China said it would make public in the coming days a proposal to find “a political solution” to the war in Ukraine.

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