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veterinarian dr Franz Spitzer convinces with a new approach in veterinary medicine

dr Franz Spitzer

Frankfurt (ots)

veterinarian dr Franz Spitzer has specialized in dogs. Unlike many of his professional colleagues, he takes an innovative and unique approach to his treatment method. Drug suppression of symptoms was and still is not compatible with his idea of ​​true veterinary medicine and sustainable health. So decided Dr. Franz Spitzer set up his own healing biotope in veterinary medicine and has been running the first fully digital online platform for holistic dog health ever since. Thanks to the Internet, he can be reached by his patients from any location and, together with his team, accompanies dog owners on the new path to a healthy dog.

On-site veterinarians can save the dog’s life in an emergency. But they are never there when life presents new health challenges for dogs and owners. veterinarian dr This is exactly where Franz Spitzer starts with his method and gradually leads dog owners to take personal responsibility. “With us, the dog owner becomes his dog’s guardian angel and learns to do everything right, so that his dog can live and age healthily! And yes, this is demonstrably possible for every dog ​​owner WITHOUT previous medical knowledge! Nobody believes me,” smiles Dr. Sharpener.

for dr Serving a greater purpose with his work has always been a special concern of Spitzer. He decided early on to follow his heart, turn his dream into a career and ultimately inspire people. “Dog owners just don’t want to do anything wrong with their darling and because they don’t know any better themselves, they go to veterinarians. By working with us, they learn to follow their own intuition again and to trust themselves,” says the online veterinarian .

This is exactly the parallel that Dr. Spitzer sees again and again between his own life and that of his customers: trusting that there must be a better way, without actually knowing it – and then having the courage to follow this feeling.

When dog owners go to veterinarian Dr. Franz Spitzer, they do not always have a long (and expensive) history of suffering with veterinarians and animal alternative practitioners behind them, but they usually do. His way of working and his results sound not only unbelievable to many dog ​​owners, but also too good to be true. we have dr Franz asked how it can be that there are almost only positive reviews about him on the internet.

Why a pre-selection before the cooperation is so crucial

“I have to go back a bit: First of all, it would be presumptuous to claim that we can help every dog ​​owner and that our path is the right one for everyone. That’s not the case. First of all, we attach very clear conditions to a cooperation that doesn’t are negotiable. The profile of our successful customers allows us to make a very precise pre-selection of interested parties. With this selected group of customers, we then have a high probability of achieving the desired results, which in turn is reflected in the ratings.”

But when is it from the point of view of Dr. Franz Spitzer and his team better to refrain from working with a dog owner? “For example, we deliberately only address those who are willing to involve themselves in the healing process and to take responsibility for their lives, their thoughts and their emotions. We cannot help anyone who is not willing to do so.”

It’s the same with skepticism. according to dr Many dog ​​owners believe that they have already tried everything. You can no longer imagine what it would be like to have a healthy dog. Reasons such as the partner or the money are often given. “We don’t want to convince anyone. If you want to stick to these limiting beliefs, you’re welcome to do so, but we’re not the right contact person here either. Change often begins with the mere decision to take a different path from now on. ”

According to Dr. In its behavior and state of health, the dog always reflects the current situation of the owner. The nice thing about it is that it is also in the power of the owner to consciously initiate the healing process and relieve the dog. “As soon as this has been achieved, there is a whole new lightness in the owner’s life and that is exactly what the dog reflects. Bingo!”, says the online veterinarian.

One thing is therefore certain: the methods of Dr. Franz Spitzer are both innovative and effective. Numerous satisfied dog owners confirm the success. His concept is so far unique and helps dogs and their owners to lead a happier and, above all, healthier life every day.

Are you looking for a unique way to improve your dog’s life and health? Sign up now dr Franz Spitzer and make an appointment!

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veterinarian dr Franz Spitzer

Original content by: Dr. Franz Spitzer, transmitted by news aktuell

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