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Veterinarian recently arrived in the US says what is the real cause of the decline in pigs in Cuba


Alexander Varona, a veterinarian who emigrated to the US a few months ago, reported that the abrupt drop in the pig and poultry mass in Cuba in recent years It was not due to food shortages, as the government has tried to sell, but rather due to the poor management of three diseases that from his province spread dramatically to the rest of the nation.

In exclusive statements to America TeveVarona explained that he detected the cholera virus in pigs from the pork company in Camagüey, but that the directors told him that it was not that disease, but rather that those pigs had “some digestive problem”.

Varona argues that the CENPALAB (Center for the production of laboratory animals) in Havana finally confirmed the diagnosis of the three diseases: cholera, African swine fever and the H1N1 type A influenza virus in the Camagüey swine mass, province that was the epicenter of the spread of diseases to the rest of the country for what he describes as poor management.

Varona accuses Jorge Luis Parapar Lopeztoday director of the Poultry Group but who in 2013 directed the Pork Company of Cuba Camagüey, of being the main person responsible for beginning to “consciously” spread the three diseases that had a negative impact on the mass of pigs and poultry in Cuba.

“Now they are saying on Cuban television that 2017 was the peak of the highest production of pork in Cuba. All a lie. The only thing that was done was that the sows of the specialized units were sacrificedthe breeders, and the meat was sold to the population and tourism,” he said.

“I ask for justice for all those peasants who went bankrupt due to the presence of these diseases, which were put in their young by this company director”he added.

“The sows that were bought in the specialized genetic centers, which are to repopulate the swine units, which were healthy sows, he sent them directly to slaughter, and left the ‘sick sows’ in the specialized units. This caused the offspring of those sows to “come to an agreement” (with the peasants). even knowing that they were going to be positive for said disease”, Alexander Varona explained when detailing the mismanagement of the aforementioned manager.

Varona says that she has in her possession images of a “hidden burial of pigs in 2017 at the El Rescue unit” in the province of Camagüey, which she assures were sick with swine flu.

He says that Parapar López sent him to make a “disputed decision about pigs that just dropped dead,” which he says he opposed.

“I had to skin them and send them to the restaurant and service companies in Camagüey. I refused because I told them that in the regulations it is established that only a preagonic animal can go to sacrifice, ”he assured.

Varona says that he denounced the mismanagement of diseases in various government institutions and that the response he received from the State Comptroller’s Office it is that their complaint was going to be reversed against them, because they were not going to act against senior officials of the Cuban revolution.

Graduated as a veterinarian in 2004, Alexander Varona held various responsibilities between 2004 and 2016 in the Camagüey pig company, until he was forced to flee the country due to “blackmail, pressure and prison threats”.

Open a health investigation and I’m going to Cuba to prove my truth on the ground, even if it’s the only thing I do in my life “concluded the complainant.

In recent years, the drop in the pig and poultry mass in Cuba has contributed notably to the serious food crisis that has plagued the country for years.

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