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Victoria Donda resigned from INADI, but left strong criticism of the government

The, until a few hours ago, comptroller at the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI), Victoria where Perez, he resigned from his position with criticism of the management to which he belonged since the beginning of the mandate of Alberto Fernández, in December 2019.

In a statement, the now ex-functionary explained her departure from and regretted that “she stopped listening where it was most due.” Later, where launched a strong accusation against the government by maintaining: “For the fact of being a woman and not finding a legitimate space in the national government for our voices to be heard”.

Victoria Donda left INADI with strong criticism of the government. Source: (MDZ)

He assured that he found out from Juan Manuel Olmos, head of Advisors to the Presidency, about the “possibility of my removal from INADI, as a consequence of my political position regarding the current stage”.

In the same text, where praised Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner by stating that dealing with her while in government allowed her to discover “a person of flesh and blood, totally determined to develop his political praxis without rancor and with a substantial attribute: listening”.

Other times: Victoria Donda and Alberto Fernández. Source: (Infobae)

On the contrary, he criticized the conduct of the governmentby ensuring that “every time it left us with a more bitter taste” and without the capacity to respond to the demands of society. He once again stressed the need to listen in order to avoid “going forwards and backwards”. He stated: “Only by listening, knowing and interpreting our people, we can contribute to have a free, just and egalitarian society, without more postponements, hesitations or marches and counter-marches”, he affirmed.

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