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Vidal closed it, Kicillof reopens it: the rural school that macrismo abandoned

María Eugenia Vidal had closed it in 2017 and was on the verge of being demolished for the construction of the Route 7 highway.

But the neighbors resisted and, with a popular government that supports the people, they managed to reverse it.

According to the Primera Plana portal, the establishment was key for children’s access to study.

In this regard, the governor, Axel Kicillof, said that “they are going to try everything, but we are going to continue opening schools and industrial parks.”

The headquarters survived because the road work was paralyzed by the then national government. But the school remained closed and fell into disrepair, despite an initial promise by officials at the time to relocate it to another branch of the Party.

Closed by decision of the management of María Eugenia Vidal in 2017 and which was on the verge of being demolished.

The establishment was closed like fifty rural schools and the Delta by decision of Vidal.

The current councilor of the Frente de Todos and former mayor of Chacabuco, Darío Golía, said that it is “a school with history, trajectory and an educational service for an important sector of the rural community” and warned that leaders of the former Cambiemos government decided to advance in the demolition “arguing that the route had to be extended to turn it into a highway.”

Kicillof considered that whoever “does not want public school has a problem of love for the country.”

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