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Vidal slipped that he could drop his presidential candidacy: “I don’t know if this is the year to face that responsibility”

Mary Eugenia Vidal

If there is a place where the leaders of the PRO feel very comfortable outside the City of Buenos Aires, it is in Cordova. So he made it clear Mary Eugenia Vidalwho this afternoon exhibited at the Stock Exchange of the Mediterranean province.

The deputy spoke amid the rumors that place her as a candidate for head of government as part of an agreement to lower the tension between Mauricio Macri and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta for the Buenos Aires succession. In this context, the former Buenos Aires governor slipped for the first time that there is the possibility of not competing for the Presidency this year, although she clarified that she would like to hold the position and that she feels prepared.

“I don’t know if this is the year to face that responsibility. Politics is not a race for positions, one does not always have to be a candidate for something,” said Vidal.

Regarding JxC and its intern, the Cordoba businessmen referred to tomorrow’s meeting in which Mauricio Macri, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Patricia Bullrich and Vidal herself will meet for the first time. While the presenter read the query, the deputy smiled.

“I laugh because for me it’s like going to my parents’ house for lunch. The PRO is 20 years old, it’s normal for us to get together for lunch. In every family there are disagreements, but it is one more meeting with an open agenda, ”she said, seeking to tone down the conclave.

The former governor will meet with Larreta, Macri and Bullrich to lower the tension in the PRO (Franco Fafasuli)

“I like coming to Córdoba because This province is quite similar to what a country without Kirchnerism would be like.”, began the exposition of the ex-governor of the province of Buenos Aires in front of the watchful eye of the audience.

Although a good part of his speech was between what he understands that “the next president should do” – he later corrected himself and said “president or president” – the strongest points of his statements were when he asked questions from those present.

“What do you think Alberto Fernández must do now that he is not going to compete?” Asked one of those present. Vidal took a few seconds, looked at the floor and did not hesitate. “Alberto Fernández can renounce his re-election and his candidacy, to which can not resign is to govern. Eight months left, that’s a long time. He has to say how he is going to go, if he is going to continue the damage, enlarging the fuse and the bomb or starting once and for all to do what he must do, even if you don’t see him during his tenure. It is a decision that he is going to make and that history is going to charge him or praise him ”.

Vidal spoke at the Córdoba Stock Exchange

When explaining the state of the local economy, the former Buenos Aires governor pointed out that it is a consequence of the actions of the national government. “Every decision that the Government makes worsens our future to buy time, so, when the economy doesn’t do it the good way, the market does it the hard way”.

The leader was also consulted about the idea of Esteban Bullrich to make a great national agreement, something that Vidal praised for the good intentions of the former senator, but that he said that the time for that is over: “The government had many opportunities and wasted them, now we are at a stage where politicians do not decide, it is the time of the people, let it be the people who choose what they want through the vote”.

Although she was applauded at the end, the deputy for the City of Buenos Aires was not interrupted at any time and went through all the points that she was consulted. Some appealing to government experience and giving examples of its management in the province of Buenos Aires and others referring to Together for Change and the PRO’s trajectory.

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