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VIDEO. 2023 Alpine Ski Worlds: reconnoitering the women’s downhill track with Olympic champion Carole Montillet


Video length: 7 mins.


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A few hours before the start of the women’s downhill, franceinfo: sport takes you on a reconnaissance of the track with a prestigious guide, Carole Montillet.

A demonstration as if you were there. On the eve of the weekend downhill at the World Ski Championshipsthe skiers took advantage of their day off, Friday, February 10, to reconnoitre the downhill track, the famous Roc de Fer in Méribel (Savoie). For franceinfo: sports, Carole Montillet, consultant for France Télévisions, and Olympic champion in the discipline in Salt Lake City (2002), takes you to discover the track from the inside. “Recognition is the key moment for the athletes. This is where the race is won, almost, because the girls take the time to note each gate, study each trajectory, each jump”, she explains. A primordial memorization to compete with the best.

On the program, description of each strategic portion and expert analyzes to know all the details of the track. Half an hour of reconnaissance for a descent that should not last longer one minute and a half on D-Day, Saturday February 11 (11 a.m.).

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