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VIDEO: A BMW caught fire and exploded in the middle of Route 2 at the height of La Plata

A shocking traffic incident occurred this Tuesday on Route 2, more precisely at kilometer 61, in La Plata. Over there, a car exploded and caught fire completely. Other motorists who passed by the place managed to capture the vehicle engulfed in flames.

According to police sources, it all started after an explosion occurred in the BMW that was driven by a man, who managed to get to the side of the track and leave immediately.

The flames began to spread and completely engulfed the car. After A call to 911 was attended by police and fire personnel, who were in charge of putting out the fire and controlling the situation.

For the fact there were no regrets of any kind of injuries And now the experts will work to establish the reasons why the fire started in the vehicle. It should be noted that the AUBASA company proceeded to signalize the place in order to avoid eventual accidents and traffic was reduced for several hours in the area.

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