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VIDEO: A journalist surprised everyone and proposed to his girlfriend live

A new love story revolutionized social networks in the last hours and this time the protagonist is neither more nor less than the renowned sports journalist Juan Manuel Vierawho has lived in La Plata for a long time and surprised both his colleagues and all the listeners by proposing to his girlfriend live, on the air of the radio DSports.

“You hear me well, right?” Viera asked first, the young woman immediately agreed, and then he jumped into the void: “Do you want to marry me?” he asked. The answer, however, was made to wait longer than necessary and that is that Ailín had not come to listen to her partner, so the journalist returned to the charge and her “yes, yes” then did not wait. The round trip unleashed a real madness in the studio, where conductors, producers and Viera’s colleagues unleashed a crazy celebration with a World Cup rhythm.

The emotional scene was recorded by one of the young journalist’s colleagues, who then turned to social networks and shared the images that quickly aroused a cascade of congratulations and celebrations from friends, family and followers.

“It came out of nowhere like that, from one moment to the next, it was not planned,” Viera told and added with a laugh: “Luckily he said yes.” As he explained, it all started with an example he gave about a couple, they immediately asked him if he was in a relationship and the producers called Ailín to chat with her, not knowing that everything was going to end in the emotional proposal.

“When I got home after a little less than an hour’s journey, it was a strange situation, because everyone asks for marriage in a restaurant or in a special or symbolic place for the couple, but it turned out that way for me”the young man maintained and added: “I felt that it was the moment and that it was going to be remembered, because we are not going to forget this moment anymore” .

In this sense, he also said that the video did not take long to reach his relatives, some of whom even found out by listening to it live; and it didn’t take long for them to fill their cell phones with messages and calls to celebrate the joyful news.

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