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VIDEO. Chilling: this is how they opened fire from a motorcycle to shoot a young man in La Plata

The case is a true mystery, since for now only its serious outcome is known: a 34-year-old man was shot in the leg and ended up admitted to the San Martín hospital.

It happened, as EL DIA published, on Wednesday of last week in a corner of La Plata and now the sequence was revealed through a video recorded by the cameras of the Commune.

Virtually nothing is known about the causes of the aggression, since the victim’s account does not contain sufficient elements of conviction to establish a clear hypothesis.

The fact is in the hands of the prosecutor Gonzalo Petit Bosnic, who will have to put together a real puzzle.

It all happened in the early hours of the morning, last Wednesday, at the corner of 1st and 97th streets.

The victim, identified by the Police as JAV, was talking with another neighbor, when he was hit by at least one bullet.

Of the aggressors he could only provide that there were two and that they were riding a motorcycle. Now with the cameras it can be seen that there were three motorcycles, with two occupants each.

Luckily for him, apart from the fact that it was a serious injury, the projectile hit him at the level of the femur, without affecting arteries or vital organs, so he would not be in any danger.

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