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Video | Climate change, the war in Ukraine and other messages left by the Pope’s visit to Lisbon

Video |  Climate change, the war in Ukraine and other messages left by the Pope's visit to Lisbon

Finding “a creative way” to end the war in Ukraine and defend the life of the planet are some of the messages that Pope Francis wanted to convey during his visit to Lisbon on the occasion of World Youth Day that ends today. Francisco has taken advantage of the events, meetings and ceremonies that he has shared with thousands of young people to focus attention on some issues on the social agenda, as shown in the video that accompanies this news item.

The sexual abuses of the Church have also been present during the six days that this massive event lasted. Although in private the Pope asked for forgiveness during a meeting with 13 victims of pedophilia in the Portuguese Church, in public he made some reference to these scandals “that have disfigured” the face of the institution, according to Francisco declared and that the video includes.

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