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Video confirms very low attendance at Maduro’s election rally

New pollsters, a lifeline for the regime to manipulate the electorate

CARACAS.- An election rally of Nicolas Maduro In Barcelona, ​​Anzoátegui state, only a few people gathered, as could be seen in a video shared by a user on social networks.

The official campaign event took place on Caraca Avenue in the city of Barcelona. The user was recording while walking along the avenue. The images showed the street without crowds of people, only a few supporters of the Venezuelan leader passing by. In the background, Maduro’s voice could be heard, quite close.

As the user approached the platform, it could be seen that there was not a crowd of people.

“So they can disprove the president. There’s no one here,” the user said while recording with his phone.

Maduro is going through the worst popularity crisis since he came to power in 2013.

A recent survey by the prestigious firm Delphos revealed that More than 80% of Venezuelans say they will vote for opposition candidate Edmundo González in the elections this Sunday, July 28. Meanwhile, 24.6% said they will vote for Maduro.

Regarding the “electoral ceiling” of the candidates, Edmundo González’s is 64.4% in the categories “yes would vote” and “maybe would vote”, compared to 26.6% who would not. While for Nicolás Maduro it is 30.4% in the first case and 68% “would not vote” for the candidate for reelection.


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