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Video: Drunk crashes, runs over a woman and kills her friend

A young woman who was driving while intoxicated collided with a tree, ran over a woman who was waiting for the truck at that moment and caused the death of her friend who was traveling in the vehicle at that moment.

In a video broadcast on networks, extracted from the live broadcast that the young woman made on Facebook while she was driving, it is possible to appreciate the moments before the crash, including the moment she runs over a woman who was waiting for public transport.

As shown in the clip, the young woman recorded herself laughing and listening to music, at which point the scream of the woman she ran over is heard.

And it is that despite the fact that her friends warned her about the run over woman and to leave her cell phone while driving, the young woman said that “it was worth it.” she continued with her path until she ended up losing control of the vehicle, colliding with a tree and overturning.

As a result of the crash, the young woman’s friend, who was traveling as a co-pilot, lost her life.

The deceased young woman was identified as Daysi Rodríguez, mother of four children, who was celebrating her birthday with her friends.

This tragic event happened in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas.

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