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VIDEO. Due to the storm, a piece of the roof of the Teatro Argentino fell off

The Teatro Argentino starred in a moment of tension this Sunday, in the midst of the storm that was announced for La Plata and its surroundings. With gusts of wind that reached 70 km/h, a part of the glass roof came off and alerted those who were there.

It is a sector of the roof created in glass, which is located outside the Teatro Argentino, on Calle 51 between 9 and 10. Thus, personnel from the Directorate of Special Risks, Civil Protection and Traffic deployed an operation to evacuate the spectators.

It is that the cultural center of La Plata is in the middle of the presentation of the Ginastera Room, reopened last week. Within this framework, the activities of this April 30 began in the afternoon and Santiago Motorizado would close, with a show that had to be rescheduled for 8:30 p.m.

As confirmed, there are three glass panels that were detached by the winds. “There are two others that are at risk and are going to be removed by firefighters,” official sources detailed.

Therefore, ambulances and a tow truck are on the scene. With the crane, the specialists work to remove the pieces that are in danger. No injuries were reported and traffic is interrupted, having to deviate onto calle 9 towards calle 50.

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