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VIDEO. Kyrian, 19, is a seasonal ski instructor

In La Plagne, in Savoie, Kyrian is a ski instructor for the winter season. He teaches people of all ages to ski. Brut followed him for a day.

We would be alcoholics, very flirty, but no, we’re not all the time, all of us, like that, with a Savoyard accent, and we don’t just eat fondue. We also eat pasta, like everyone else.“Kyrian is 19 years old, and he is a ski instructor for the winter season. Skiing since he was a child, it was his father who taught him how to go down the slopes. Today, he teaches children and adults. “I finished high school, I went into professional life, I did not study. We are there just for the season, suddenly, from December to April. And after, I leave in the summer season in wakeboarding. So after, we try to travel and enjoy life”, he explains.

“It pays well, afterwards, it doesn’t last all year”

In order to become a ski instructor, you have to pass several exams over 3 years. “I started at 17 in high school. During my first exam, some have branched off into higher education. Me, I preferred to continue skiing, because I can’t stand being locked up.“These seasonal jobs allow him to be more free. “It allows me to move when I want to, that is to say that if next winter I want to change resort, I can, and in summer, every summer, if I want to move wake, I can too, so it allows me to travel the world and at the same time pursue my passions and my job.

You can earn up to 6000 or so in a month. Even a little more. It depends on where you are in the ski diploma”, details Kyrian. Monitors are paid by the hour, working 35 to 40 hours per week. “It pays well, afterwards, it doesn’t last the whole year, so if we calculate, in fact, there are some who only do the winter seasons, and the summer, they don’t have any other job.

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