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Video shows e-scooter riders on the highway in a rainstorm

© Screenshot/Reddit/FreshhSqueezedOJ

Some people have crazy ideas, as a recent video shows published on Reddit became. User FreshhSqueezedOJ captured how a person on a E-Scooters of the brand Lime driving in the middle of the freeway. That is dangerous enough in itself – but the scooter driver also does this in heavy rain and poor visibility.

When driving past then also the young second passenger can be seen on the handlebars, as a spectator you just grab your head. There is no information about the two people.

Not the only case

This isn’t the first time e-scooter drivers have been caught on the freeway. Again and again appear on the multi-lane roads. Just a few days ago, cameras of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation recorded a man driving on the shoulder of Interstate 94 in the United States.

Such actions are extremely dangerous not only for e-scooter drivers, but also for car drivers.

According to a study of the Board of Trustees for Road Safety (KFV) Even in Austria, e-scooter drivers rarely obey the traffic rules. 98 percent do not blink or give a hand signal, 15 percent drive despite the ban on the sidewalk and every eighth person in the KFV observations even drove over the traffic light when it was red. The risk of injury is correspondingly high: last year, 3,600 people injured in accidents with the devices.

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