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VIDEO “Stop the war and Zelenski will not speak again” / Tense meeting of the UN Security Council, at the first physical appearance of Zelenski in such a meeting

It was to be Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s first physical appearance at a UN Security Council meeting on Moscow’s invasion of his country when Russian Ambassador Vassili Nebenzia objected to him speaking at the start of the meeting, Reuters reports.

Volodymyr Zelensky at the UN Security CouncilPhoto: Michael Kappeler / DPA / Profimedia

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council, responded with a joke to Moscow’s attitude, which says that the invasion does not amount to a war, but a simple “special military operation”.

  • “I want to assure our Russian colleagues and everyone here that this is not a special operation of the Albanian presidency,” said Rama, who is known for a piercing sense of humor.
  • “There is a solution to this,” continued Rama, addressing Nebenzia directly: “If you agree, stop the war and President Zelenskii will not speak.”

Nebenzia did not agree. He went on to call the session a show and criticized Rama for what he said were politically charged statements rather than acting as a neutral gatekeeper to the proceedings.

  • “Would it be an insult to the intelligence of this organization if we did not unanimously recognize and say out loud who is the aggressor and who is the aggressor? It is the same clear difference between war and peace. If we fail to recognize this truth very clearly , we are not only failing Ukraine and its people, but failing our primary responsibility, compromising the future and betraying our children, from Brazil to Spain, from the Arctic Pole to the South Pole. Ukraine’s struggle is the struggle of all who aspire to live in a world where nations are free and equal, where territorial integrity is indisputable and the right to live in peace is indisputable. This country (the aggressor, Russia – no) is not only short-sighted, but completely dangerous to everyone under this roof. That’s why everyone has to do their part”, Edi Rama said.

After the session, Zelenski thanked Rama on social media, saying the Albanian, who is both an artist and a former basketball player, “showed the world how to properly handle Russia, its lies and hypocrisy.”

In an attempt to justify its invasion, Moscow has said Ukraine’s ambitions to join NATO and the EU pose a threat to Russia’s national security, a claim Kiev and its allies deny as a baseless pretext to attack.

Zelensky calls for the removal of Moscow’s veto

When given the floor after a go, come, Zelenskiy demanded that Russia be stripped of its veto power as punishment for attacking Ukraine. He also said that in the current UN system, other members are less influential than Russia’s veto power.

  • “These days, in the General Assembly, we hear too often the word inequality in the world. Inequality is mentioned by various nations, both large and small. It is precisely this inequality that makes the UN ineffective,” Zelensky said. .
  • “It is impossible to stop this war, because all efforts face the veto of the aggressor or those who support the aggressor,” added the Ukrainian president.

However, Zelenski left the UN Security Council meeting room before the Russian foreign minister began to speak.

Lavrov was not present at Zelensky’s speech either, AFP notes.

Appearing in the room after Zelensky’s departure, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov defended Moscow’s use of the veto as legitimate, accusing Kiev and the West of selectively respecting the principles of the 1945 UN Charter only when it suits them.

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