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VIDEO.- Strong operation in the Forest, behind the illegal bites

This Wednesday, police officers carried out an intense operation to combat illegal bites in the Paseo del Bosque in the City.

The investigation was carried out after in the early hours of this Wednesday, again and in a “coordinated and organized” manner, these activities were carried out not allowed by the municipality.

The police managed to find the identification of hundreds of vehicles of different vehicles, involved in the illegal bites. In addition, 25 simultaneous raids were carried out in La Plata, Berisso, Florencio Varela and Chascomús in spaces where the cars and motorcycles involved were kept.

All of them were kidnapped, remaining in the hands of Justice. Chevrolet Corsa, Fiat Spazio, Chevrolet Astra, VW Bora and VW Scirocco were found, among others. Also, Honda Falcon 400 motorcycles, Hondas CBX250 and Hondas XRE300.

The operation reached the shots that were detected in the illegal bites, those who circulated without identifying patents and with “different degrees of participation in proven illegal practices.”

This prohibited activity violates article 193 of the Penal Code, which provides for “imprisonment from six months to three years and special disqualification for the driver for twice the time of the sentence, the driver who creates a situation of danger to life or physical integrity. of people, through participation in a speed or skill test with a motor vehicle, carried out without the proper authorization of the competent authority”.

The investigation was carried out by UFI No. 15 with the prosecutor Cecilia Corfield and the Guarantee Court, in the hands of Marcela Garmendia.

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