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Video: They abandon their daughter in the middle of a shooting

CDMX.- A video was broadcast on social networks that caused great indignation among citizens, since it is about parents who abandoned their daughter in the middle of a shooting in the Gustavo A. Madero mayor’s office in Mexico City.

It was the journalist Carlos Jiménez who shared the moment, captured by a security camera in the area, where some subjects wanted to kill the father of the family, when he realized he started his vehicle to flee and left his wife and daughter exposed.

Parents abandon their daughter amid shooting

In the recording it can be seen that the family was arriving at their home and while a girl waits for them at the door of her building, from behind them a man is seen approaching with a weapon.

As the mother and the girl are the only ones getting out of the car, the father drives away, the mother runs to the door and her daughter falls in the middle of the sidewalk.

The alleged hitman detonates the firearm against the woman who ran to the door, but she manages to close it, then reopened it to let in the little girl who apparently was running with difficulty while holding what appears to be a blanket.

According to information from the journalist Jiménez, the woman was injured; However, he assured that the Secretariat of Citizen Security and the CDMX Justice Prosecutor’s Office were already carrying out the corresponding investigations.

The video caused great outrage among users of social networks who pointed out that they are “the parents of the year” due to the way in which they abandon their daughter in the shooting.

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