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Video: they capture a jaguar on a rural road in Vaupés, in the Amazon region of the country

The jaguar was sighted on a rural road in the department of Vaupés in southeastern Colombia. (Animal Kingdom/ Handout via REUTERS)

A pleasant surprise, although also somewhat frightening, were officials of the National Council of Secretaries of Agriculture of the country, after they captured how an imposing jaguar walked along a rural road in the department of Vaupés, in the Amazon region, in the southeast of Colombia.

“From Vaupes (Indigenous Reservation of the Community of Santa Cruz), captured by the Departmental Secretary of Agriculture of Vaupés (sic)”, They published along with the video of the beautiful cat, which is considered the largest in America, and the third in the world after the tiger and the lion.

Although sighting one of these specimens does not leave anyone indifferent, since ultimately human beings are potential prey, the animal was not aggressive and on the contrary walked confidently by the road.

Several people reacted to the publication, pointing out that it could be a pregnant female jaguar before the great size of his belly.

“How beautiful; but that belly is very big. Isn’t it a pregnant female? (sic)”, said Margarita Vela (@margaritavela).

“She is a female and she is pregnant. Please, she must protect herself (sic) ”, added José Ricardo Rios (@jrrios08).

It is the second time this month that one of these cats has been registered in the country, after one of them also carried out a tour of a property in the rural area of ​​Majagual (Sucre), in the area of ​​La Mojana, next to a road in the area.

The country’s National Council of Secretaries of Agriculture published a video on Twitter in which a jaguar can be seen walking along a rural road in the department of Vaupés.

The recordings of the feline’s journey were released on Thursday, January 5 both the Corporation for the Sustainable Development of La Mojana and San Jorge (Corpomojana), the local environmental authority, and the Ministry of Environment, to ask the community not to hunt him or attempt against his life, since apart from being a threatened species, it fulfills an important function for the ecosystem of the area.

The animal, in addition to being a threatened species, fulfills an important function for the region’s ecosystem.

“It is worth noting that the subregion of La Mojana presents a decrease of the flood levels that have been in place for more than a year and that is why these specimens, resuming their ecological corridor, intend to return to their habitat original”, pointed out in the regional newspaper El Universal Sergio Pacheco Flórez, deputy director of Environmental Management of Corpomojana.

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