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Video: This is the area where a couple was shot in front of La Cerve in Chihuahua

Chihuahua.— The riddled couple in a square in front of La Cerve were leaving the HSBC bank, when two subjects arrived on foot to start the shooting that killed a man and left a woman with serious injuries.

The armed attack took place at the intersection with Avenida Juárez, in the city of Chihuahua, where subjects who were traveling on foot opened fire at point-blank range against a woman and a man who went to the ATM of said banking institution.

The man was killed on the driver’s side of a white Subaru line vehicle, while the woman received a bullet in the left side.

The woman received first aid at the scene and was later transferred by URGE paramedics to a hospital for specialized medical care.

Elements of the different corporations arrived at the place to cordon off the area and start with the first inquiries into the event.

In the place, at least 15 shell casings were located, for which reason agents of the Prosecutor’s Office will take charge of raising the evidence of said aggression.

Of the attackers, it was only revealed that they were traveling on foot and after the attack against the couple they fled towards the Canal, but so far they have not been located.

So far in April, there are 8 victims of intentional homicide in the city of Chihuahua.

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