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Video Workshop Adobe Lightroom App: Master Settings & Presets

Of course, a lot of image data is generated when traveling and on the go. When developing images, it is therefore important that I can also carry them out as efficiently as possible on the go. It helps when I can transfer develop settings from one image to another and that’s what this film is about. I would like to show you how you can transfer your development settings to an entire series and also how you can create presets so that you can then apply them with just one click.

In this series I just want to start developing a first image. I’m taking a representative one here and it’s clear that this is where I start white balancing. That is, I go to the color area, take the eyedropper there and drag it to an area suitable for neutralization. I confirm that with the small tick and then I can of course adjust the colors a bit more individually. Exposure and tonal values ​​are correct in this picture. So now I can go straight to the effects. Before that I reduce the dynamics a bit.

(Note: The following transcript is bonus content for people who cannot or do not want to watch the video below. The transcript does not accurately represent the audio track; some passages have been omitted or summarized, others have been edited, rewritten, transcribed, or supplemented .)

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