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VIDEO Zelenski: We will do everything to implement the first point of our peace formula – nuclear and radiation security. To protect Ukraine and all of Europe from Russian blackmail

President Volodymyr Zelensky states that Ukraine will do everything to ensure the implementation of the point in the Peace Formula regarding nuclear and radiation security. “And to ensure the complete liberation of our Zaporizhia nuclear power plant from the Russian occupiers and to protect Ukraine and all of Europe from Russia’s radiation blackmail,” he adds.

Volodymyr ZelenskyPhoto: POU / Zuma Press / Profimedia

Volodymyr Zelenski showed, in the message sent on Thursday evening, that the negotiations with the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, who was in Kiev during the day, were fruitful, writes

“Not only about our current defense, but also about our strategic defense, the common defense of everyone in Europe. Ukraine deserves to become a NATO member and will do so. Indisputable. And this is not only our Ukrainian ambition. It is the only effective security perspective for Europe, guaranteeing real lasting peace,” he said.

The President of Ukraine mentioned that the activity of the Ukraine-NATO Council was also discussed.

Zelenski added that he had discussions, in the last two days, with the Minister of Defense of France and the Secretary of State for Defense of Great Britain.

“We discussed, in particular, the strengthening of our forces and the overall strategy for victory in the war. We are also working for a joint production of the weapons we need, which is essential both for Ukraine and for our partners,” he emphasized.

Zelensky added that Ukraine has become a member of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which will give his country the opportunity to influence the adoption of decisions that will be binding for all IAEA member states and the entire international community.

“We will do everything to implement the first point of our Peace Formula – nuclear and radiation security. And to ensure the complete liberation of our Zaporizhia nuclear power plant from the Russian occupiers and to protect Ukraine and all of Europe from Russia’s radiation blackmail,” he said.

Volodymyr Zelensky also mentioned that he had an important meeting with the chiefs of espionage, and “the results will come”.

He told the fighters that work was underway to provide them with more weapons, including Ukrainian weapons.


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