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Villavicencio will have a public wake before being buried

Villavicencio will have a public wake before being buried

Quito.- The coffin of Fernando Villavicencio, The candidate for the Presidency of Ecuador assassinated on Wednesday, left the cemetery to which he had been transferred to have a brief public wake before returning to the cemetery and proceeding with his burial.

After having been watched in an intimate and private way by relatives and relatives in a funeral home in Quito, the coffin with the mortal remains of Villavicencio left first for the cemetery and, after performing a brief ceremony there, left for a fairground where his circle nearby had planned a posthumous tribute.

The comings and goings of the coffin occurred amid disagreements by family members between Villavicencio’s wife, Verónica Sarauz, and the mother, brothers and nieces of the journalist and former assemblyman who aspired to succeed the current president, the conservative Guillermo Lasso, in the extraordinary elections called for next August 20.

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