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Viviana Canosa got tired of one of the rumors that haunts her

At this point there is no doubt that Viviana Canosa He is one of the most popular and influential celebrities in the journalistic and media environment.

The name of the figure of “La Nación+” has not stopped being on everyone’s lips for some time now, not only because of his labor conflicts, but also because of the speculations around his sentimental present. Viviana Canosa seems to be seen as quite the heartthrob.

Viviana Canosa she insists on affirming that she is single, however, after her separation from Alejandro Borensztein, suitors have not stopped appearing for her. The host of “La Nación+” spoke about a strong rumor that related her to Luis Lacalle Pou.

Canosa separated from the son of Tato Bores in March 2018.

Recently the exchimentera gave an extensive note to the Uruguayan news portal “El Observador”, where he went through various topics. Of course, the possibility of a romance with Luis Lacalle Pou, current president of the neighboring country, was one of the issues mentioned.

“I never saw him in person. I denied it and they kept putting together a romance for me. Now it makes me laugh,” said the brand new star of “La Nación+” for “El Observador”, about whether he had a special connection with Luis Lacalle Pou after the viral interview he did in the past.

Present perfect

Viviana Canosa She not only shines and attracts attention with her daily program “+ Viviana” on “La Nación+” nights.

The main figures of “El Observador 107.9”.

Days ago, it was learned that he will also be part of “El Observador”, although in its Argentine and radio version. The station was launched very recently and counts among its figures the former journalist from A24, Yanina Latorre and Luis Majul. Canosa’s debut will be tomorrow, Monday, May 1.

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