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Voice states arrive on WhatsApp: when will you be able to release them?

The platform developed a feature that allows WhatsApp users to share voice clips as status

By Cesar Dergarabedian

02/09/2023 – 08:22 a.m.

WhatsApp launched a package of updates on Tuesday that allows users to explore different ways of viewing the statuses that their contacts post, so they can connect more appropriately with friends or relatives in the application.

In addition, users will be able to control the contacts that can see their statuses and thus increase the privacy of your posts and provide greater security to people about the content they want to display.

As reported by WhatsApp to iProfessional in a statement, in this configuration users can select one of three options:

  • Share statuses with all contacts.
  • Do it with everyone except one specific number of them.
  • With no contact except a few selected people.

Voice states in WhatsApp

These types of publications, which are similar to those presented in other applications developed by Goal Like Instagram and Facebook, they remain public for a maximum period of 24 hours before being automatically deleted. In it you can share photos, videos, GIFs and text.

The platform developed a feature that allows users to share voice clips as status. The update consists of a new microphone-shaped button to the status section screen at the bottom right; and the appearance of a mini voice player (similar to the conversation bubble in a chat) in the central part of the screen, once the status has been recorded.

The voice states they are no different from their text versions: they can be removed before posting if the user is not comfortable with the result, they are automatically removed after 24 hours of posting, and they can be deleted early.

Reactions to WhatsApp states

Similar to Instagram, this update to the messaging app’s Stories features allows contacts who can see a person’s statuses to react to it with predefined emojis.

This feature does not present a different interaction of the users with the device screen because they will only have to slide a finger up to show the reaction “emojis” that can be faces with hearts, laughing, surprised, sad, prayers, applause, fireworks and “100″.

In addition, users will also be able to send voice messages as a reaction as access to this function will be allowed, in addition to the keyboard, so users emoji of reaction will not be limited to the selection of 8 made by the platform.

Like the stories of Instagram and Facebook are displayed in a separate section within these applications and that present a bright colored ring around the profile picture to indicate the publication of a new status, WhatsApp will do the same in this new update.

Although an additional section that is not currently present within the platform will not be enabled, this feature will allow people to identify contacts who have posted new statuses without having to enter the tab dedicated to them in the application.

WhatsApp increased the variety of its states.

Preview of links in the states

Because the links in their text format in the WhatsApp status posts were not aesthetic, the Meta application will include within its list of features the preview of the content of these links (long and short) so that people they can know the website they redirect to even before clicking or tapping on them.

This measure is taken to improve aesthetics of this type of publication and to protect users of the platform from possible cases of “phishing” and other cyberattacks.

The updates have already been released to the general public. Users interested in installing them must update the application that is published on Play Store or App Store.

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