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Vorarlberg, economy and the EU – that’s what LH Purtscher said 26 years ago

Former Governor Dr. Martin Purtscher died on Saturday night at the age of 95. As governor, he secured founding rights and a majority stake in Vorarlberger Illwerken for the state of Vorarlberg.

A step that had a lasting impact on Vorarlberg economically, secured its independence in terms of energy policy and formed the basis for the desired energy autonomy in 2050. What Purtscher had to say about Vorarlberg as a business location as a governor, successful manager from the private sector and convinced European in 1996 is still true more than 26 years later more than worth hearing.

“EU membership alone does not determine the attractiveness of a business location,” said Dr. Purtscher firmly. But it is a prerequisite for being able to fully exploit other locational advantages.

Historical: In November 1996, Governor Burtscher presented the business location of Vorarlberg to around 100 Swiss companies. Excerpts of his speech were broadcast in the “Broadcast with the Governor” on Sunday, November 24, 1996.

From 1987 to April 2, 1997, Martin Purtscher was Governor of Vorarlberg. He was succeeded by Herbert Sausgruber.

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