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Wado de Pedro affirmed that the Frente de Todos could go to a STEP with two formulas

In the middle of the electoral context, together with a large number of rumors that arise from who or who the candidates could be, the ruling party continues to think about which strategy to use.

In this way, the minister in dialogue with Radio Con Vos, affirmed that “Alberto Fernandez, as president of the PJ, decided that we get to this instance. We are following the president’s strategy, which is that there be a STEP to define the candidacies“.

In addition, regarding the discussions within Peronism, he pointed out that “it seems very healthy to me that we have political discussions within the front and that there are two models of Peronism that can be debated.”

At the same time, he explained that despite the fact that “the Law and the Constitution allow anyone to present themselves as a candidate. The problem is that a president cannot be generated in 20 minutes.“. He was also in charge of dodging a question about his possible candidacy: “You are a candidate when you register to compete. Today I am Minister of the Interior and a militant of the Front of All who cares about reality”.

In turn, he took the opportunity to refer to the relationship with the production sector and declared that “I went to Expoagro because I understand that you have to rebuild and think about the field of the future. With Néstor and Cristina they did very well. Macri lowered their withholdings but the companies were merged“.

Finally, he closed by stating that “It is no longer that Argentina in which the industry fought with the countryside. Today there is an international financial system that ends up hurting these two sectors.”

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