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Walking: This is what happens in your body when you walk for 10 minutes every day

  • More walkers during corona lockdown
  • To go for a walk prevents diseases Before
  • Many people never move or rarely

During the corona pandemic many people have this for lack of other leisure opportunities To go for a walk discovered for themselves. According to Survey of the AOK Rhineland/Hamburg were around half of the 18 to 49 year olds during restrictions more walking. Slightly fewer of the elderly stated that they enjoyed walking more. Even if the current Corona situation basically no longer requires restrictions after federal and state decisions, you should Exercise in the fresh air maintained. According to the German Heart Foundation brisk 10-minute walk every day can even replace some sports units and prevent diseases.

Going for a walk: Regular exercise is good for your health

Time stress, professional and family commitments: Sport often finds its way jogging or equipment training in the gym, no place in the daily routine. But an excuse yourself not to move, is not. Like the preventive medicine doctor Professor Martin Hall in an interview in the magazine “Heart Today” explained by the German Heart Foundation is enough a brisk ten-minute walk every dayto reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease 20 percent reduction.

According to the doctor, it occurs after six to eight weeks improved muscle metabolism a. You can also with a higher elasticity of the vessels and a improved heart function calculate. Whether simply walking or Nordic walking: It is important regularity.

Walking has these effects on the body:

  • Prevention of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
  • Reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Positive effects on organ functions and cell renewal
  • stimulation of brain activity
  • Strengthening of metabolic processes in the liver and other organs

Germans are slow to move

As from the special Eurobarometer “Sports and Physical Activity” 2022 of the EU Commission, operates around the half of the German population rarely or never sports. Men are more active than women.

In the survey, in which 1,514 people were interviewed in Germany, 53 percent of men and 60 percent of women do little or no sport at all.

at extracurricular activities it looks a little better. These include cycling for locomotion, dancing or gardening. 35 percent of men and 41 percent of women never or rarely engage in such activities.

Conclusion: Even a 10-minute walk strengthens your health

If you do not have time, to do sportsit is enough every day to walk briskly for ten minutesto do something for your health. You can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in this way 20 percent reduce. Little movement can also lead to a series of diseases to lead. Many people never or rarely move. This is the result of a recent survey by the European Commission.

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