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Walmart is the company with the most sales in the world

The American self-service store chain Walmart Inc. is the company on the stock market with the most sales in the world, with revenues of $611.28 billion in 2022.

It surpasses the oil company Aramco (with revenues of 604.170 million dollars) and the online commerce giant Amazon (513.980 million dollars), according to data from the Companies Market Cap site.

Likewise, it beats the Chinese oil companies Sinopec (490.510 million dollars) and PetroChina (479.130 million dollars).

Walmart’s sales in 2022 grew 6.7% compared to 2021, when they amounted to 572.8 billion dollars, according to data from its quarterly reports.

Most of its revenue (69%) comes from the US market, while 17% comes from its Walmart International division and the remaining 14% comes from Sam’s Club.

“The team had a good quarter to end fiscal 2022 and … they moved quickly and aggressively to address the inventory and cost challenges we faced last year (2021),” Walmart Chairman and CEO Doug McMillon said. .

For next year, the world’s largest self-service chain expects a year-on-year increase of between 2.5 and 3% in its sales, with a rise of up to 6% in its international division.

Within the International division is where the participation of the American self-service chain in its Mexican brand is located: Walmart de México y Centroamérica (Walmex).

50.4% of Walmex’s shares are held by Intersalt, the company through which Walmart de Estados Unidos invests in the Mexican market. (Sebastian Diaz)

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