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Walter Mercado: Horoscopes for today April 24, 2023

Find out what fate has in store for you this Monday, April 24, 2023 with the best of horoscope of Walter Mercadocheck the predictions of your day, your lucky number and start the day on the right foot. ohThe Truth News wishes you good fortune!


New sentimental relationships with kindred souls are predicted for you, Aries. The time has come for those of this sign, who are looking for a partner, to find a stable, related and lasting relationship. Love, marriage, family and friendships will now be your highest priority.

lucky numbers: 4, 25, 38.


Your time has come to achieve dreams and ambitions. Traveling, getting to know other countries, other cultures, other philosophies will enrich you intellectually and spiritually. The astral drives you to expand. You will dare to do what you were afraid of before, dabbling in what always caught your attention.

lucky numbers: 18, 40, 31.


The planets continue educating you in the management of your resources, money, energy, time. The chaos of your life ends. The time has come to economize, invest, enjoy and savor your achievements. A dream referring to a change of location or profession comes true. All change will be luck and expansion.

lucky numbers: 12, 34, 29.


Planetary energy drives you to read, cultivate, go back to study. By expanding your intellectual and spiritual frontiers you will want to venture into new worlds and new interests. Everything you do to improve your body will give excellent results. Take action, Cancer.

Lucky numbers: 30, 4, 14.


The stars support you to achieve your dreams of love and to restructure a new life. You will manage to change everything you don’t like in yourself. You will work more on your intellectual and spiritual development and you will be very well prepared for everything that may happen in your life. No one will have power over you.

lucky numbers: 49, 15, 35.


Love surprises you when you least expect it and in the most surprising place. Always keep in mind that love begins with you. Love yourself a lot, more every day, value yourself and put yourself on an altar. I know how a saturated source of love. Wherever you move, carry love, understanding, tenderness and affection.

Lucky numbers: 19, 4, 2.


What was denied to you is now given to you. Your hidden talents come to light and this time they will be recognized by many. Your faith is strengthened and you turn towards your own interior. A cycle of searches and limitations ends for you. You will realize that the power of the Universe is locked in your heart.

lucky numbers: 1, 20, 9.


Everything black and dark from your yesterday becomes radiant, clear and beautiful. You will not lack money to be happy and to be able to help other people. Your new awareness of abundance and prosperity will lead you to multiply your income and take advantage of unique opportunities that will present themselves to you.

Lucky numbers: 33, 26, 17.


You will come out of the shadows and come to the light if you protect yourself psychically, purify your environment and stay away from harmful people, since you will be like a sponge that collects everything negative from the environment. Carry out affirmations and positive visualizations and you will see your physical and mental health improve remarkably.

Lucky numbers: 10, 22, 3.


Take your time on everything. Learn to live more relaxed. You don’t want to comply with everyone by looking bad with the most important being in the world that is you. Do not rush, neither in action nor in thought. Create your future by living intensely every minute of your life.

Lucky numbers: 50, 16, 21.


You find yourself wiser than ever before. You will no longer get bitter or frustrated when you have to face challenges, obstacles, difficult people or when things don’t turn out the way you expect. The fundamental lesson of letting go, not fighting or arguing, avoiding war will be put into practice by you.

lucky numbers: 2, 47, 5.


You will join forces with people who share your same interests. Your voice has been heard. Keep standing up for what you believe to be fair and right. Much of what you expected did not come and it was because it did not suit you, but much of what you longed for is materializing. Expect miracles and they will happen.

Lucky numbers: 5, 38, 24.

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